Marketing Agency

Co-founded and run by two siblings:

Rob Gafur (Columbia MBA; CPA)

Romina Gafur (10M+ Influencer; BSc in Marketing)

Our services

Social Media Marketing

We plan and implement successful Social Media Marketing campaigns for your products or services on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other top social media platforms.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy to convert prospects into customers. We plan and implement successful and cost-effective email marketing campaigns.

Influencer Marketing

We find the right influencers to meet and exceed your marketing objectives. Whether it is a song, a product, or a brand you want to promote, we will connect you with passionate influencers.

SEO & Analytics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and understanding marketing analytics can be tricky. We are here to provide you with the best guidance to ensure your content ranks higher on the web.

Brand Strategy

Your brand is not just your logo, slogan, and mission statement. We can help you determine how to convey your brand mission, values, and promise to your customers to ensure your long-term success.

Marketing Consulting

We are here to speak with you about your marketing objectives and provide you with the best tools and guidance. We will guide you in the right direction depending on your needs and goals.

Let's talk about your next project